Is solar worth the investment?

Solar power is an investment that will pay for itself and then continue to produce free electricity for the owner. The right amount of panels, optimally placed on your roof, can produce up to 50% of your household’s electricity needs. Not bad, eh?

Solar power is worth the investment

The price of solar power installations has dropped by up to 80% in the past decade.


At the same time electricity prices have gone up by as much as 50%.


Solar power in a nutshell


Solar power systems will pay for themselves in 7 to 18 years, after which you will be enjoying free electricity.


Solar power is a safe and reliable technology of the future.

Cut your electricity bill by half

By producing some of your electricity by yourself you can cut down your electricity bill by up to 50%.

Save money

Small property owners can easily save significant amounts of money by moving to solar power.

Do you sell panels?

Our service has thousands of users interested in buying solar panels. Why not unite supply with demand and fill the world with solar panels together? You can target your message to owners of suitable properties or entire areas with suitable properties.


Contact information

Sun Energia Oy
+358 40 7766578

Open Innovation House
Otaniementie 19
FI-02150 Espoo

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Myytävänä: 4,3 miljoonan rakennuksen aurinkoenergiatiedot

Sun Energia on lopettanut rakennuskohtaisen aurinkoenergiapaikkatiedon tarjoamisen. Palveluistamme on tilattu 11 vuoden aikana yli 25 miljoonaa rakennuskohtaista aurinkoenergiatietoa tai raporttia! Yksityiset rakennusten omistajat sekä sähköyhtiöt Suomessa ja Isossa-Britanniassa ovat käyttäneet näitä työkaluja menestyksekkäästi arvioidessaan aurinkoenergian kannattavuutta rakennusten omistajille.

Nyt ostettavissa:

  • Aurinkopotentiaalitietokanta 4.288.306 suomalaisesta rakennuksesta/katosta
  • Asiakaskokemussovellus ja aurinkolaskurit
  • Algoritmit ja koodit

Ihanteellinen energiayhtiöille, aurinkoenergiayhtiöille, ohjelmistoyrityksille tai yrittäjille, jotka haluavat laajentua aurinkoenergia-alalle.

For sale: Solar data for 4.3 million buildings

Sun Energia has stopped providing building-specific solar location data. Over 25 million building-specific solar data or reports have been ordered from our services in 11 years! Private building owners and power companies in Finland and the UK have successfully used these tools to assess the profitability of solar energy for building owners.

Now available for purchase:

  • Roof specific solar potential database for 4.288.306 Finnish buildings/roofs
  • Customer experience application and solar calculator
  • Algorithms and codes

Ideal for power or solar companies, software companies or entrepreneurs looking to expand into the solar energy sector.

Ota yhteyttä/Contact:

Antti Rousi
CEO  |  Founder
+358 50 5939 555

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