Our knowledge of your roof and its surroundings is based on huge amounts of laser-scanned 3D terrain data. We know your roof thoroughly – from its slope to the exact amount of sunlight and shade it receives on any given hour of the year. You can use this knowledge to build the optimal solar power solution to save energy, money, and the environment.
The sun has enough energy for everyone – a resource you shouldn’t overlook. You don’t need to live in a sunny climate to take advantage of its power. Even one solar panel will benefit the environment and save you money.
Our service will help you get the right amount of panels to make sure you’ll produce the energy you need without creating excess, which will go to waste as it cannot be stored. We will show you your solar production potential, optimal panel placement, estimated investment, time required to recoup the costs, and savings potential.
Our service takes advantage of laser-scanned 3D topography data in a new way. Our tool calculates the amount of solar radiation your roof will receive on every hour of the year and tells you your individual solar power production potential. After doing the test you will immediately know how much solar power your roof could generate. It’s a simple, thorough, and objective method that makes it easy to start using solar power!
You can make the calculations even more precise by entering additional information about your building. We will take into account roof shape and direction, as well as chimneys, surrounding trees, and so on. We also use local weather information for every property.
Our test will measure and analyse what will pay off and what won’t.
Here are some possible results:
Sun Energia on lopettanut rakennuskohtaisen aurinkoenergiapaikkatiedon tarjoamisen. Palveluistamme on tilattu 11 vuoden aikana yli 25 miljoonaa rakennuskohtaista aurinkoenergiatietoa tai raporttia! Yksityiset rakennusten omistajat sekä sähköyhtiöt Suomessa ja Isossa-Britanniassa ovat käyttäneet näitä työkaluja menestyksekkäästi arvioidessaan aurinkoenergian kannattavuutta rakennusten omistajille.
Nyt ostettavissa:
Ihanteellinen energiayhtiöille, aurinkoenergiayhtiöille, ohjelmistoyrityksille tai yrittäjille, jotka haluavat laajentua aurinkoenergia-alalle.
For sale: Solar data for 4.3 million buildings
Sun Energia has stopped providing building-specific solar location data. Over 25 million building-specific solar data or reports have been ordered from our services in 11 years! Private building owners and power companies in Finland and the UK have successfully used these tools to assess the profitability of solar energy for building owners.
Now available for purchase:
Ideal for power or solar companies, software companies or entrepreneurs looking to expand into the solar energy sector.
Ota yhteyttä/Contact:
Antti Rousi
CEO | Founder
+358 50 5939 555
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