We have calculated the solar power production potential of millions of rooftops. Search and find the most potential rooftops and properties that fit your offerings. Use the search criteria that best fits your purposes, whether it is the location or the type of the buildings or their suitability for solar power.
Search the best matches for your products from our database: city-scale building stocks or the biggest industrial rooftops. You choose.
Check the building-specific data of solar power, building specifications and contact info of the selected buildings. Locate the buildings on the map.
Download the solar building data and integrate it to your operating systems and CRMs. You can always return to your previous searches.
Optimal panel placement
Hourly solar energy data
Solar energy terrain images
Roof slopes, directions etc.
Sun Energia on lopettanut rakennuskohtaisen aurinkoenergiapaikkatiedon tarjoamisen. Palveluistamme on tilattu 11 vuoden aikana yli 25 miljoonaa rakennuskohtaista aurinkoenergiatietoa tai raporttia! Yksityiset rakennusten omistajat sekä sähköyhtiöt Suomessa ja Isossa-Britanniassa ovat käyttäneet näitä työkaluja menestyksekkäästi arvioidessaan aurinkoenergian kannattavuutta rakennusten omistajille.
Nyt ostettavissa:
Ihanteellinen energiayhtiöille, aurinkoenergiayhtiöille, ohjelmistoyrityksille tai yrittäjille, jotka haluavat laajentua aurinkoenergia-alalle.
For sale: Solar data for 4.3 million buildings
Sun Energia has stopped providing building-specific solar location data. Over 25 million building-specific solar data or reports have been ordered from our services in 11 years! Private building owners and power companies in Finland and the UK have successfully used these tools to assess the profitability of solar energy for building owners.
Now available for purchase:
Ideal for power or solar companies, software companies or entrepreneurs looking to expand into the solar energy sector.
Ota yhteyttä/Contact:
Antti Rousi
CEO | Founder
+358 50 5939 555
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